Friday, 31 August 2012

The humble Potato

One potato, Two potato, Three potato, Four. Five potato, Six potato, Seven potato more.
The trouble with potatoes is that if left to their own devices they go rotten, no longer fit for the purpose of eating.
I remember once feeling for a bigger potato underneath the smaller ones in the bottom of the large paper sack and putting my thumb in it, (no plum, just an obnoxious goo) not something I wish to experience again.    
Can a rotten potato be saved?
If left to our own devices we humans can be a bit like rotten potatoes but when we meet with Jesus,  He renews us, restores us and makes us fit for His purpose.


  1. Cute! I thought you might include another singing video JB, that would have been very cool !!!

    I'll bet even that rotten potato you stuck your thumb into may have been saved... maybe just think of it as the pruning of the vine and the branches... we all have some rotten spots, right?

    Keep on keeping on JB, love you buddy!!

    1. only thought of this at the last minute so no song but yes even a rotten potato can be saved, just like us when we surrender our rotten spots.

  2. I do remember that method of choosing. And I do remember doing the same with a rotten potato.
    Great point focusing on Jesus and what He does to end the month.

  3. You got me smiling this morning!

    To add to your fun--when those unsaved, rotten potatoes die, they end up in hell. Then they become HOT POTATOES!

    1. lol, but it's no laughing matter, i'm glad God loves us rotten potatos.

  4. Replies
    1. yup the poor old spud doesn't have much choice but we do. :)

  5. Yes, I have experienced this very same thing and it is mega-gross----just like us running from God, refusing to obey, declining to submit. That's pretty mega-gross, too. Praise God for our Savior!

    1. Thankfully we rotten potatoes have a merciful savior. Good post.

    2. you got it Heather. Praise God and then praise Him some more cos He is worthy of Praise.

      we certainly have Stephanie

      Biiiiiiiiig hug to all

  6. Great analogy, Jack. Loved it!

    God bless you, brother.

  7. Even rotten potatoes can have purpose; they may not be saved and restored, but they can be composted and enrich the next generation. ;)

    Great way to end the topic, Jack. Hugggs!

    1. yup. everything God does is for a purpose.
      biiiiiig hug
