Saturday, 29 September 2012


“If things don’t change they’ll stay just as they are” Smile
I’m not sure where that comes from but it makes me smile and a smile to start my contribution to a most excellent chain of blogs this month can’t be bad. Smile
I think life can be likened to a river ride.
A river starts off as a trickle of water bubbling out of the ground somewhere up in the hills and as it makes its meandering way down to the valley it gains momentum, getting a little wider Smile on the way.
Soon in the valley it’s waters nourish the plants and creatures where it lies almost still as though basking in the summer sun. Smile
As it makes it’s way relentlessly toward the freedom of the sea it must pass under bridges, power water mills and turbines and squeeze  thruogh narrow rock strewn gorges, bubbling and frothing, tumbling over falls on the way. Smile
then one day it reaches it’s destination, where it thunders and roars and lashes or lies calm and still like a milll pond. Smile

Isaiah 58:11 (NIV)
The Lord will guide you always;
he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land
and will strengthen your frame.
You will be like a well-watered garden,
like a spring whose waters never fail.
Revelation 22:17 (NIV)
The Spirit and the bride say, “Come!” And let the one who hears say, “Come!” Let the one who is thirsty come; and let the one who wishes take the free gift of the water of life.
A poem to end Smile

Yorkshire Waters Lament

I love the sound that water makes
in puddles, ponds, canals and lakes,
in streams and rivers gushing,
pushing rocks and stones and pebbles,
in babbling brooks, in leafy nooks, gently wandering,
mumbling, bumbling,
past bush and tree rumbling,   
over waterfalls tumbling
almost stumbling,
onward ever onward to the sea.
Beaches caressing, fishermen guessing,                     
strollers impressing, bathers undressing.
Sometimes dashing,
sometimes smashing, ever crashing.
alone, bereft, in rocky cleft,
surface stabbing, children gabbing,
crabs a grabbing, star fish nabbing.
The Ocean, the place to be.
All waters join and shout with glee,
I’m free, I’m free, I’m free.


  1. Great post with which to end the month, Jack. I enjoyed the poem with its rolling rhythm, and I really needed to read that passage from Isaiah. It spoke to where I am emotionally and spiritually right now. Thanks.

  2. Wow JB, that poem just rolled along in a jolly good way!! Very cool, I really enjoyed it!

    Be Great!!

  3. I completely enjoyed the visual movie of a drop of water changing as it becomes a body of water. Like our faith in Christ. Lovely poetry, too. Thanks for ending our month on such a high note.

    1. thanks Carol I appreciate your comments
      biiiiiig hug

  4. Nice way to tie this up, Jack. I have a hard time reading on a black background so I didn't get to finish all of it. But I enjoyed what I did read.

    1. others may have difficulty too so i've changed to a white background. hope this helps
      biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hug

  5. A great way to end this months chain. I enjoyed it very much!

  6. Wonderful post to finish up our month of Change Jackie!! I never really thought that a river begins as bubble of water somewhere in the mountains, but yet it is true. Growing and changing, gathering more strength for the journey to the sea - great analogy. Peace and Blessings

  7. it's amazing. thanks for commenting
    biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig hug
